Ravenswood Primary School

Ravenswood Primary School


Friends of Ravenswood (FOR) – non-uniform tombola

We’re having a non-uniform day on Friday 15th November to support the Friends of Ravenswood in raising tombola prizes. All children are welcome to come to school in non-uniform on this day. If families are able to do so, could you please send bottles (alcoholic or unopened toiletries) or chocolates.

The following week, the FOR will collect toys or books that people would be able to donate – thank you very much for your support.

If anyone would be interested in joining to help with the FOR please contact: info@friendsofravenswood.co.uk


Change to PE kit after Christmas

Once children return to school in January, we would like them to wear PE KIT for school on PE days. We are writing to let you know of this change in advance.

The reasons for this are:

  • It can take children (especially younger children) a long time to get changed for PE. By not having to change we will reduce the amount time wasted and increase time spent on PE.
  • Children currently bring in a PE bag at the start of a half term and leave this in school until the end of the half term and this does not allow PE kits to be washed after use.
  • Cloakrooms will be tidier as there will be a reduction in the number of bags on pegs.
  • Many children lose items of clothing when changing to and from PE kits during school. This will no longer be an issue if children come to school wearing their PE kit.
  • Some children feel anxious about needing to change in front of others. This would no longer be an issue and may mean that children feel more positive about school on PE days.

It is important that children wear the correct school PE kit on PE days and do not come to school wearing sportswear that is branded and not part of the uniform policy (this helps to keep non-uniform days still feel special). It is also important that they wear full school uniform on non-PE days. Please see below for uniform expectations:


                FORMAL UNIFORM - NON-PE DAYS                       ACTIVE UNIFORM - PE DAYS Before the Christmas holidays, we’ll let parents know which days children have PE lessons.


Dogs on the school yard

I’ve recently been made aware of a couple of incidents involving dogs on the school playground. In one incident a child was knocked over by a dog that was on a very long lead. In another a young child was holding a dog but didn’t have full control and the dog ran over and scared another child. I understand that lots of families have dogs that they love and care about. Could I please ask that all dog owners make sure that adults have dogs in control on a short lead to avoid any further incidents.


Christmas shows / activities / parties

At school, we celebrate the key festivals of the different faith communities, including Christmas and we hope that you will all feel welcome at this celebration whatever your faith background or culture.

We’re sending out information early so that people are aware of key dates.

Christmas Shows at Ravenswood 2024

(EYFS / KS1)




Monday 9th December


Year 2 (2:30)

Tuesday 10th December

Reception (9.30)

Nursery (1:30)

Wednesday 11th December


Year 1 (2:30)

Thursday 12th December

Year 1 (9.30)

Reception (2:30)

Friday 13th December

Year 2 (9.30)

Nursery (1:30)

KS2 - Christmas singalong




Tuesday 10th December

Year 5/6

St Gabriel’s Church

(1.30 - 2.30)

Thursday 12th December

Year 3/4

St Gabriel's Church

(1:30 - 2:30)

Christmas Parties



Monday 16th December

Nursery + Year 6

Tuesday 17th December

Year 2 + Year 4

Wednesday 18th December

Year 1 + Year 5

Thursday 19th December

Reception + Year 3

Friday 20th December


Wednesday 18th December

Christmas Dinner

Friday 20th December

Yr 6 Fancy Dress Parade


As listed above, we would like to invite you to our KS2 Christmas sing along at St. Gabriel’s Church. We will sing a mixture of modern and traditional carols and some pupils will read parts of the Christmas story.

Children and teachers will walk to the church after afternoon registration and arrive at around 1:30 p.m. We anticipate the event to last about 30-40 minutes. The children will then walk back to school and be dismissed at the end of the school day.

Further information about all the Christmas shows will be sent out via the school app.


New Parent Governor position

Our governing body is looking to appoint a new parent governor. More information will be sent out next week.