10.01.2025 - Newsletter


Happy new year everyone. I hope you all had a lovely break. I’d like to start by saying thank you very much for working with us to get children in to school on time for the new school opening and closing times. I’ve had a lot of positive feedback from parents about the yards and school traffic being less congested.


School meals

Did you know that by using the Ravenswood school app, you are able to select your children’s school meal choices for the week in advance? This is for both children that have free school meals and for paid meals. Sometimes, (particularly with younger children) pupils can struggle to make meal choices. In these cases, it would be very helpful if parents were able to make the choices in advance using the app.

How do I order school meals for my child? – Weduc

How do I order school meals for my child if no payment is required via the app? – Weduc

We are also going to make a video to show parents how to do this.


Reading helpers

We are looking for any parent/family volunteers that would be able to dedicate an hour a week to be able to listen to and support our children to read. This would be in the afternoons on a regular slot between 1 – 3pm on any Monday to Friday.  If you would be interested, would you please email the school office, providing your name, link to school (eg. Your child’s name), the afternoon and time that you would be able to come into school. We’ll then get back in touch with you.


School Uniform

Some parents have spoken to me regarding school uniform. Uniforms play a significant role in fostering a sense of unity, pride, and focus within our school. I’d like to share some reasons (from an article) highlighting the importance of school uniforms:

Promoting Equality and Inclusion

School uniforms help create an environment where children are judged by their character and actions rather than their clothing choices. By eliminating visible markers of socioeconomic differences, uniforms ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging and equality.

Encouraging School Pride

Wearing the school uniform instills a sense of identity and pride among students. It serves as a daily reminder that they are part of a supportive and striving community. This shared identity strengthens our school spirit and fosters teamwork and mutual respect.

Reducing Distractions

Uniforms help students focus on their studies rather than on fashion trends or peer competition. By simplifying clothing choices, students can direct their energy and attention toward their learning and personal development.

Supporting Safety

Uniforms make it easier to identify our students, whether on school grounds or during outings. This added layer of safety ensures that our children are always easily recognizable, giving us peace of mind in supervising their activities.

Simplifying Mornings

For many families, school uniforms simplify the daily routine. With fewer decisions to make each morning, getting ready for school becomes quicker and less stressful.


I know that maintaining school uniform can be expensive and children grow quickly! The Friends of Ravenswood have gathered lots of good quality clean school uniform available in many sizes and regularly have these on the playground for parents to take. If anyone would like to discreetly collect uniform from the school office, please get in touch. A reminder that school uniform for Ravenswood Primary is:


Please note – hoodies are not part of the school PE uniform – they aren’t great for lessons such as ‘tag rugby’ or when working on gymnastics equipment where they could get caught.