20.12.24 - Newsletter

Christmas Activities/Shows

Dear parents/carers,

I’d like to start this weeks newsletter by saying thank you. Thank you for making me feel very welcome as the new headteacher of Ravenswood. It’s been lovely having the chance to get to know the children, staff, parents and governors of this very large but very wonderful school. I’ve particularly enjoyed seeing the many performances in the last week and loved seeing how excited the children have been about their parties. Your children have worked so hard and have earned a well deserved break. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the new year on Monday 6th January (at our new start times). If you haven’t yet had a chance to see our Christmas video (with music!) please visit: https://youtu.be/A8aRm7YvQQE


School Vision

I’ve spoken to all the children in school this week about our new school vision. If you would like a bit more information about this, please visit our website: Ravenswood Primary School - School Vision

We have developed new house point certificates for the children to start collecting after Christmas and new award certificates which link to our vision. Our next series of school assemblies will link in with our school vision.


School timings

This information has been published previously. However, just to emphasise that we will be dedicating 15 minutes for children to arrive in school to register. Please note the KS2 gates will be locked at 8:55am and the KS1 gates at 9am. If we are closing the gates and don’t let the children through – this isn’t to be mean, it’s because the class doors will have closed and there wouldn’t be anyone to let the children into the building – if children arrive after registration, they will need to go through the main office.



Children in KS2 will need to be in school and registered between 8:40am and 8:55am

Children in Reception to year 2 will need to be in school and registered between 8:45am and 9:00am

Children in Nursery will need to be in school and registered between 9am and 9:15am





Year 2



Reception/Year 1

Home time

Children in nursery will finish school at 3pm

Children in KS2 will finish school at 3:10pm

Children in KS1 and Reception will finish school at 3:15pm